Over one hunred flavors of tea

Specially crafted tea


Made with love

Our tea is made with love, from the collection of the leaves to the brewing.


Set aside anxiety and relax after a hard day with a cup of hot tea in your hands.


Our tea will energize you with vitamins and invigorate the rest of the day.

Family recipe

All our recipes are passed down from generation to generation for a long time.

Tea brewing

About Our

Tea station

Once upon a time we only had a couple of teapots and enjoyed tea only with our family. Over time, we were able to afford to buy a small tea plantation

Now we have a whole teahouse and we delight many people with delicious and hot tea. We serve black long tea, relaxing green and jasmine tea, tea with spices and many others.

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Our products

Our assortment includes long tea, relaxing and invigorating green tea with spices, lemon juice, jasmine, cinnamon and anise, milk tea and many others.

Black tea
Black long tea

$ 3.99

Сhamomile tea
Сhamomile tea

$ 4.99

Tea with spices
Tea with spices

$ 5.99


Our services


952 G Teapot ave, Charlestown , WV 90056




+ 987 654 321
